LENGUA C (IV): INGLÉS    Año académico       Versión PDF.
Crdts. Pract.3
A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale a 7,5 ECTS.

Departamentos y Áreas
DepartamentosÁreaCrdts. Teor.Crdts. Pract.Dpto. Respon.Respon. Acta

Estudios en los que se imparte
Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación. Alemán - plan 2000
Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación. Francés - plan 2000


Incompatibilidades de matrícula por contenidos equivalentes
Sin Datos

Matriculados (2009-10)
Grupo (*)Número
1 87
(*) 1: GRUP 1 - ANG

Ofertada como libre elección (2009-10)
Sin departamento
Consulta Gráfica de Horario
A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale aPincha aquí

Horario (2009-10)
ModoGrupo (*)Día inicioDía finDíaHora inicioHora finAula
CLASE TEÓRICA 1 01/02/2010 21/05/2010 M 15:00 17:00 FI/3-14M
CLASE PRÁCTICA (LRU) 1 01/02/2010 21/05/2010 J 15:00 17:00 FI/3-14M
1: GRUP 1 - ANG
1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Grupos de matricula (2009-10)
Grupo (*)CuatrimestreTurnoIdiomaDistribución (letra nif)
1 2do. T ANG desde - hasta -
(*) 1: GRUP 1 - ANG

Objetivos de las asignatura / competencias (2009-10)
Lengua C (IV) is an obligatory, four-monthly subject in the 4th. year leading to the degree in Translation and Interpretation for those students who have taken German or French as a first language. There are 6 credits, 3 devoted to theory and 3 to practice. Three of these cedits will be taught using a LMS (Learning Management System) called Moodle and three in face-to-face lectures. This programme is based on a project offered by El Rectorado de Tecnología e Innovación Educativa whereby 3 credits will be taught on-line through the LMS Moodle and 3, in in-person lectures.
OBJECTIVES: Students taking English as Lengua C in the fourth year of the Translation and Interpretation Program are expected to have already achieved an advanced level (C2) in both written and oral English. The main objectives of this course are:
- To develop proficiency in the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing modern English.
- To enhance the student´s ability to communicate effectively.
- To build up the student´s vocabulary and mastery of idiomatic English.

Contenidos teóricos y prácticos (2009-10)
The contents will be those included in the New Proficiency Gold, Longman. However, special attention should be paid to the following criteria:
These topics indicate the vocabulary and lexical items included in this course.

The show business: Cinema and TV.
Publicity and advertising.
Crime and juvenile delinquency.
The environment.
Psychology, the mind and witchcraft.
The world of work.
Technology: Mobiles and computers.

Verb forms.
Hypothetical sentences: Conditionals, wishes and preferences.
Participle clauses and inversion.
Modal verbs and related expressions.
Cause, result and concession clauses. Comparisons: as if / as though, etc.
Cleft sentences. Verbs + noun phrases: give a hand, make a recovery, etc.
The future in English: Future with modal verbs.
Reflexive pronouns.

Although practice will be mainly dealt with in the lecture hall and in the LMS, these guidelines will provide students with the basic information for individual practice:


Listening Comprehension exercises: Students will hear or watch conversations, interviews, extracts from films, news bulletins, etc., from a range of genres and sources, with seven to ten four-option multiple-choice questions.
Reading Comprehension exercises: A long text, preferably from the topics listed above, with seven to ten four-option multiple-choice questions.

Use of English

Key word transformations: Students have to transform each sentence so that it is as close as possible in meaning to the original sentence. A word is usually given. The emphasis is on whole phrases rather than individual words. However, you may need to think about the effect of the given word on the grammar of the sentence.
Word formation: This consists of a text with ten gaps, each one corresponding to a word. The stems of these missing words are given beside the text and students will have to write the word in its correct form. They need to be aware of prefixes, suffixes, compound words, etc.
Multiple choice questions: fifteen to twenty-five short unthemed cloze sentences/texts with four-option multiple-choice questions on each sentence/text. The focus of the questions is on vocabulary (collocations, idioms, linkers, complementations, semantic precision and phrasal verbs.


Students will be required to present and develop ideas supporting their opinions with evidence. Spelling and punctuation will be taken into account. It is important to use the appropriate vocabulary and style and to organize each writing task suitably. The writing tasks are the following:

· An article.
· An essay, a discursive essay.
· A formal letter. A complaint.
· A proposal.
· Describe a situation or a short story.


-Two minute talk on a topic.
- Initiate a conversation with a colleague on a controversial topic.
- Description of a photograph or picture.
-Tell a joke or an account.
- Describe a process.


Students will have to read one (compulsory) or both (optional) of the following books:
- The Lollipop Shoes (Joanne Harris)
- The Last Dickens (Matthew Pearl)

Más información
Profesor/a responsable

Metodología docente (2009-10)
Clases teóricas y prácticas
SYLLABUS This course will meet for two hours per week in face-to-face lectures and will do 3 to 4 hours of work online using a LMS. Students will have one textbook which will be used for grammar presentation, reading material, exercises and writing assignments. Additional material on specific topics will be provided by the lecturer in the LMS (learning Management System).

The course has 9 lexical units, 9 grammar points, 5 oral topics and 5 writing workshops. Each unit will include the following activities:

Topic introduction. Usually theory related to the grammatical topic.
2/3 Reading Comprehensions (One of them from one of the reading books).
2 Listening Comprehensions (one video; one audio).
2 Word Formation Exercises.
2 Reprasing / rewriting exercises based on the grammatical points explained in the theory.
One vocabulary exercise based on the lexical items of the unit.
One essay writing exercise using the Moodle tool workshop.
This section above is obligatory for all the students in this course.

There will also be a section called "Remedial Practice" with a wide assortment of activities to provide more practice on comprehension, expression and use of English.
This section is optional and will not be included in the final assessment.

There is another section called resouces where links to different newspapers, dictionaries, magazines and a glossary will be found. The Chat will be opened every Wednesday fron 7.30 to 8.30 to talk about the "Topic of the Week". Further comments on the topics will be discussed in the forum.


Unit 1: from 6th of February to 16th.
Unit 2: from 15th of February to 25th.
Unit 3: from 26th of February to 5th of March.
Unit 4: from 6th of March to 17th.
Unit 5: from 18th of March to 31st.
Unit 6: from 1st of April to 12th.
Unit 7: from 13th of April to 23rd.
Unit 8: from 24th of April to 6th of May.
Unit 9: from 7th of May to 22nd.

Tipo de actividades: teóricas y prácticas
METHODOLOGY Students are expected to do a reasonable amount of preparation at home (including the writing assignments) so that class time may be dedicated to consolidation of the knowledge acquired and more practical activities. Communication activities will provide an opportunity for students to interact in pairs or groups using language in a freer, more creative way. As part of the course work and in order to develop listening comprehension skills, students will be required to spend time working with listening texts, videos and interactive lexical and grammatical exercises in the LMS. They will do follow-up activities (comprehension and summing-up exercises, essays, etc.) and the completed activities will be handed in, recorded, or sent using a new learning management system (LMS) called Moodle. All the assignments, exercises, essays, etc., will have to be completed before the end of May. Students in this course are required to do a lot reading, writing and listening. Reading English novels, watching English speaking films, documentaries, British or American series and news programmes will be some of the activities which students will have to do on their own in order to reach the required level.

Profesores (2009-10)
Grupo Profesor/a
Enlaces relacionados


Collins Cobuild English Usage (libro + CD-ROM)
Autor(es):Sinclair, John (ed.)
Edición:Glasgow : HarperCollins Cobuild, 2004.
Recomendado por:ARCOS GARCIA, FRANCISCO (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

Longman advanced learners` grammar : a self-study reference & practice book with asnwer
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Edición:Harlow : Longman, 200.
Recomendado por:ARCOS GARCIA, FRANCISCO (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

New proficiency gold Coursebook
Autor(es):Jacky Newbrook, Judith Wilson
Edición:Harlow : Pearson Education, 2001.
ISBN:0-582-50731-6 (Casete 2)
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Oxford advanced learners dictionary of current english
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Edición:Oxford : Oxford University , 2007.
Recomendado por:ARCOS GARCIA, FRANCISCO (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

The last Dickens
Autor(es):PEARL, Matthew
Edición:London : Harvill Secker, 2009.
Recomendado por:ARCOS GARCIA, FRANCISCO (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

The lollipop shoes
Autor(es):Harris, Joanne
Edición:London : Doubleday, 2007.
Recomendado por:ARCOS GARCIA, FRANCISCO (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

The Lollipop shoes [CD-Audio]
Autor(es):HARRIS, Joane; BOND, Samantha; BELCHAMBER, Fiona
Edición:London : Corgi Audio, 2007.
Recomendado por:ARCOS GARCIA, FRANCISCO (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ] [ Enlace al recurso bibliográfico ]
(*1) Este profesor ha recomendado el recurso bibliográfico a todos los alumnos de la asignatura.
Fechas de exámenes oficiales (2009-10)
ConvocatoriaGrupo (*)fechaHora inicioHora finAula(s) asignada(s)Observ:
Exámenes extraordinarios de finalización de estudios (diciembre) -1 28/11/2009 09:00 12:00 A1/1-33P -
Periodo ordinario para asignaturas de segundo semestre y anuales -1 27/05/2010 15:00 18:00 A1/0-18X -
Periodo extraordinario de septiembre -1 03/09/2010 18:00 21:00 FI/1-01G -
(*) 1: GRUP 1 - ANG

Instrumentos y criterios de evaluación (2009-10)
Evaluación continua, examen final
Assessment will be an ongoing process taking into account class participation. There will be exams covering all four language skills. Marks will be distributed in the following way: Oral test (presentation, interview, dialogues, etc.) 20%; Exercises in the LMS (Learning Management System) Moodle, 25%; Written test, 55%: Reading and listening comprehensions, 20%; writing (summaries, essays and digital story-telling) 15%; grammar and vocabulary (use of English) 20%. However, students must pass the written and oral tests in order that the grades obtained in the LMS be added to the marks obtained in the oral and written tests.