LLENGUA C (II): ANGLÉS    Any acadèmic       Versió PDF.  Versió PDF per a convalidació.
Crdts. Pract.5
A efectes d'intercanvis en programes de mobilitat, la càrrega d'aquesta assignatura equival a 12,5 ECTS.

Departamentos y Áreas
DepartamentsÀreaCrdts. Teor.Crdts. Pract.Dpto. Respon.Respon. Acta

Estudis en què s'imparteix
Llicenciatura en Traducció i Interpretació. Alemany - pla 2000
Llicenciatura en Traducció i Interpretació. Francés - pla 2000


Incompatibilitats de matricula per continguts equivalents
Sense Dades

Matriculats (2012-13)
Grup (*)Nombre
1 6
(*) 1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Oferida com a lliure elecció (2012-13)
Sense departament
Consulta Gràfica d'Horari
A efectes d'intercanvis en programes de mobilitat, la càrrega d'aquesta assignatura equival aFeu clic ací

Horari (2012-13)
Sense horari

Grups de matricula (2012-13)
Grup (*)QuadrimestreTornIdiomaDistribució (lletra nif)
1 Anual T ANG des de A fins a Z
(*) 1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Objectius de l'assignatura / competències (2012-13)

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Students taking this subject are supposed to have already achieved a pre-intermediate level both in written and oral English. The main aims are:

1. to revise key language skills developed in Lengua C (I): Inglés;

2. to enhance key language skills in the four areas indicated below under "Contents and Methodology", paying special attention to active use of the language;

3. to reinforce the students` knowledge and use of the English language in order to make their performance as translators more solid and reliable;

4. to encourage students to use their own resources more confidently as a way towards autonomous language-learning.

At the end of the course students must be able to:

carry on a conversation on topics of general knowledge,

interpret with reasonable accuracy the meaning of a written text dealing with an area of general knowledge taken from a book, newspaper, magazine, booklet, etc.;

understand the general meaning or specific points of oral discourse, either natural or reproduced,

write texts in standard language following formal conventions,

answer correctly to questions about basic grammatical points and general vocabulary,

read from a transcribed text, as well as translate a text in English using the I.P.A. alphabet into one written in the conventional Roman alphabet, and

translate short passages from English into Spanish, and vice versa.

Continguts teòrics i pràctics (2012-13)

Grammar: Students will use the textbook Fast Class for grammatical points and as a complementary source for reading material and exercises. The lecturer will provide students with further material.

Students will usually be assigned grammar exercises as homework. The exercises will be corrected in the classroom, points requiring explanations being given special attention.

Vocabulary: This area will be primarily approached through the textbook previously mentioned as well as The Right Word. The course will concentrate on basic vocabulary areas of immediate practical use and related to the topic being dealt with.

Most of the time exclusively devoted to vocabulary will be dedicated to clarification and consolidation. The use of new items in oral communication in the classroom will be encouraged.

Phonetics: This section will focus on segmental phonemes and spelling equivalences. This component will be dealt with in one session every week. Exercises will include phonetic transcription of short texts and reading from transcriptions.

A minimum of 8 hours' attendance to the language laboratory will be required to all students. This practice must be completed by 20th May.

Enllaç al programa
Professor/a responsable
Martínez Motos , Raquel

Metodologia docent (2012-13)
Classes teòriques i pràctiques

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Writing: The course will concentrate on the production of different types of written texts, which will include narrations, descriptions, argumentative passages, letters, etc. Writing techniques (planning the text, distributing paragraphs, balancing sentences, revising, etc.) will be taken into account.

Students will be assigned writing tasks as homework periodically. The works produced will be marked and corrected by the lecturer, who will clarify difficult points either individually or in the classroom.

Listening comprehension: The course is aimed at developing the comprehension of short dialogues related to everyday situations. Intense practice of listening to tape-recordings and video-tapes will be carried out.

Different teaching techniques will be applied in order to integrate listening comprehension exercises with activities closely related to other skills, mainly oral skills.

Reading comprehension: One of the main aims of the course is to develop the students` reading comprehension skills so as to help their performance as translators. Therefore, reading comprehension activities will be often carried out when dealing with the three linguistic components mentioned above.

The book Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by the Japanese author Haruki Murakami will be used for reading comprehension exercises and general reading, as well as for analysis of grammar and style.

Oral performance: Oral communication is one of the aims of the course. English will be the basic language for communication in the classroom. All activities will be conducted in English. Students are encouraged to take part in classroom activities by using English as a way towards fluency and correctness. Activities specially focused on oral practice will be carried out.

Translation. Students will have to translate selected topics from English into Spanish, including different articles taken from the Press as well as texts taken from the textbook and the book set for reading.

Tipus d'activitats: teòriques i pràctiques
No especificat

Professorat (2012-13)
Grup Professor
Martínez Motos, Raquel
Enllaços relacionats

No hi ha llibres recomanats en aquesta assignatura per a aquest any acadèmic.
Dates d'exàmens oficials (2012-13)
ConvocatòriaGrup (*)DataHora d’iniciHora d’fiAules assignadesObservacions:
Proves extraordinarias de finalització d'estudis -1 08/10/2012 -
Període ordinari per a assignatures de segon semestre i anuals -1 30/05/2013 15:00 18:00 A1/2-64S -
Període extraordinari de setembre -1 02/09/2013 18:00 21:00 FI/3-11M -
(*) 1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Instruments i criteris d'avaluació (2012-13)
No especificat

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Students shall be assessed in an exam which, though largely based on the contents of the textbook and the further material provided, may also include any other aspect of grammar and vocabulary which is supposed to be known to a student of English at this level.

There will be two written exams: one in February and another one in June. The February test will largely include the following parts:

1) grammar and vocabulary (40 % of the mark)
2) listening comprehension (10 % of the mark)

For those passing the February test, it will amount up to 50% of the final mark for each section in case the student gets a poorer mark in the June exam; for those failing or not taking it, the only mark will be that of the June exam.

The June test will include the whole of the subject, that is, sections 1 and 2 of the February test plus the following parts:

3) writing a composition of about 150 words on one of two given topics; 10 % of the mark;
4) translation of an unknown text (with the help of a dictionary); and 20 % of the mark
5) a transfer test from phonetics into English. 10 % of the mark

Apart from this, students will have to take an oral exam lasting several minutes after Easter, which will amount up to a 10 % of the final mark. They will have to:

1) read out a fragment from one of the short stories contained in Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Haruki Murakami and/or the book On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan,
2) answer questions aboutthe author and the story chosen, and
3) discuss topics of general knowledge.