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Crdts. Teor.3Introducción al inglés empresarial. Relaciones internacionales.
Crdts. Pract.3
A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale a 7,5 ECTS.

Departamentos y Áreas
DepartamentosÁreaCrdts. Teor.Crdts. Pract.Dpto. Respon.Respon. Acta

Estudios en los que se imparte
Diplomatura en Ciencias Empresariales - plan 2000

Sin incompatibles

Incompatibilidades de matrícula por contenidos equivalentes
Sin Datos

Matriculados (2009-10)
Grupo (*)Número
1 153
2 116
(*) 1: GRUPO GM 1 - ANG
(*) 2: GRUPO GT 2 - ANG

Ofertada como libre elección (2009-10)
Número máximo de alumnos: Sin límite
Pincha aquí para ver a qué estudios se oferta
Consulta Gráfica de Horario
A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale aPincha aquí

Horario (2009-10)
ModoGrupo (*)Día inicioDía finDíaHora inicioHora finAula
CLASE TEÓRICA 1 14/09/2009 23/12/2009 M 09:00 11:00 A2/D01
  2 14/09/2009 23/12/2009 M 19:00 21:00 0030PS001
CLASE PRÁCTICA (LRU) 1 14/09/2009 23/12/2009 J 11:00 13:00 A2/C02
  2 14/09/2009 23/12/2009 J 19:00 21:00 0030PS001

Grupos de matricula (2009-10)
Grupo (*)CuatrimestreTurnoIdiomaDistribución (letra nif)
1 1er. M ANG desde N hasta Z
2 1er. T ANG desde A hasta M
(*) 1: GRUPO GM 1 - ANG
(*) 2: GRUPO GT 2 - ANG

Objetivos de las asignatura / competencias (2009-10)
a) To acquire business English vocabulary.
b) To refresh and improve English grammar to an intermediate level.
c) To develop reading comprehension in general business English.
d) To be able to understand and translate business English texts.
e) To be able to write business English documents.
f) To develop listening skills as listening for information and note taking.
g) To develop speaking skills in business topics.

Contenidos teóricos y prácticos (2009-10)
Market Leader: Brands; Travel; Organisation; Change; Money; Advertising; Cultures; Employment; Trade; Quality; Ethics; Leadership; Innovation; Competition;

Writing Strategies for Business Communication:The business letter layout; Applying for a job; Making contact; Samples on approval; Asking for quotation; Placing orders; Insurance; Making and acknowledging payments.

Más información
Profesor/a responsable
Pacheco Baldo , Rosa Maria

Metodología docente (2009-10)
Clases prácticas
The book "MARKET LEADER" provides the students with 14 topics where you are offered a variety of interesting activities in which you can discuss the topic and exchange ideas about it. You can learn new words and phrases which you can use when carrying out the task of the unit. You are provided with a good selection of authentic English business texts with listening interviews to business people. You also have presentations, negotiations, telephoning, English in social meetings... to develop essential business communication. The manual integrates the four skills, so practice in understanding, listening, reading, and writing are well balanced in the fourteen topics of the book. Nevertheless intense practice will be provided on the skill students need most. Students are expected to prepare some of the exercises previously to participate actively in the lessons.

Tipo de actividades: teóricas y prácticas
No especificado
In addition to the book Market Leader, some of the units of the manual "Writing strategies for business communication" will be studied, providing a complete knowledge on how to write business letters and other documents. This manual could also be used for other subjects in Business English at this university, as well as in the students´professional careers in the future.

Besides, videos will be shown to have the opportunity to observe business situations. Photocopies will be given to work with while watching the videos.

Profesores (2009-10)
Grupo Profesor/a
TEORIA DE 72531Pacheco Baldo, Rosa Maria
2Pacheco Baldo, Rosa Maria
CLASE PRÁCTICA (LRU) DE 72531Pacheco Baldo, Rosa Maria
2Pacheco Baldo, Rosa Maria
Enlaces relacionados
Sin Datos


New English file [Multimedia] : intermediate
Autor(es):Oxenden, Clive; Latham-Koening, Christina
Edición:Oxford : Oxford University, 2006.
Recomendado por:PACHECO BALDO, ROSA MARIA (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

Writing strategies for business communication
Autor(es):GUILLEN NIETO, Vicitoria; WILLIAMS, Judith
Edición:Alicante : Agua Clara, 2004.
Recomendado por:PACHECO BALDO, ROSA MARIA (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]
(*1) Este profesor ha recomendado el recurso bibliográfico a todos los alumnos de la asignatura.
Fechas de exámenes oficiales (2009-10)
ConvocatoriaGrupo (*)fechaHora inicioHora finAula(s) asignada(s)Observ:
Estudio: B301
Exámenes extraordinarios de finalización de estudios (diciembre) -1 02/11/2009 Hora y aula: contactar con el profesor
Periodo ordinario para asignaturas de primer semestre -1 13/01/2010 12:00 15:00 A2/A01
Periodo extraordinario de julio -1 07/07/2010 14:30 17:30 A2/D14
(*) 1: GRUPO GM 1 - ANG
(*) 2: GRUPO GT 2 - ANG

Instrumentos y criterios de evaluación (2009-10)
Evaluación continua, examen final
There will be a final exam in January although class attendance and participation will be taken into account.

The final exam will have the following parts:
a) A vocabulary test (20%)
b) Grammar exercises (15%)
c) Writing a document (15%)
d) English-Spanish translation (15%)
e) Spanish-English translation (15%)
f) Listening comprehension (10%)
g) OPTIONAL oral presentation to be done in class on a business topic (10%)