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Crdts. Teor.3Introducció a l'anglès empresarial. Relacions internacionals.
Crdts. Pract.3
A efectes d'intercanvis en programes de mobilitat, la càrrega d'aquesta assignatura equival a 7,5 ECTS.

Departamentos y Áreas
DepartamentsÀreaCrdts. Teor.Crdts. Pract.Dpto. Respon.Respon. Acta

Estudis en què s'imparteix
Diplomatura en Ciències Empresarials - pla 2000

Sense incompatibles

Incompatibilitats de matricula per continguts equivalents
Sense Dades

Matriculats (2014-15)
Grup (*)Nombre
1 12
(*) 1: 1 - ANG

Oferida com a lliure elecció (2014-15)
Sense departament
Consulta Gràfica d'Horari
A efectes d'intercanvis en programes de mobilitat, la càrrega d'aquesta assignatura equival aFeu clic ací

Horari (2014-15)
Sense horari

Grups de matricula (2014-15)
Grup (*)QuadrimestreTornIdiomaDistribució (lletra nif)
1 1er. M ANG des de - fins a -
(*) 1: 1 - ANG

Objectius de l'assignatura / competències (2014-15)
a) To acquire business English vocabulary.
b) To refresh and improve English grammar to an intermediate level.
c) To develop reading comprehension in general business English.
d) To be able to understand and translate business English texts.
e) To be able to write business English documents.
f) To develop listening skills as listening for information and note taking.

Continguts teòrics i pràctics (2014-15)
Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate (Second Edition): All units (except Unit 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 28, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 59, 62).

Writing Strategies for Business Communication: Units: 1.-The business letter layout; 3.- Making contact; 6.- Asking for a quotation (except Incoterms); 7.- Placing orders; 16.- Making and acknowledging payments.

Grammar: Present, past and future tenses, modal verbs, first and second conditionals, comparative and superlative adjectives, the passive voice and the reported speech.

Enllaç al programa
Professor/a responsable
Pacheco Baldo , Rosa Maria

Metodologia docent (2014-15)
Classes teòriques i pràctiques
Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate (Second Edition) includes 66 easy-to-use units, with vocabulary items presented and explained on the left-hand pages and a range of practice exercises on the right-hand pages. It also includes a comprehensive answer key. The book covers a huge range of business topics including jobs; people and organisations; production; marketing; finance and the economy, and business culture. Learners will develop essential business communication skills, focusing on the language used for meetings, negotiations and presentations.
Student`s will also make a review of the most important points of the intermediate level grammar such as present, past and future tenses, modal verbs, first and second conditionals, comparative and superlative adjectives, the passive voice and the reported speech.

Tipus d'activitats: teòriques i pràctiques
No especificat
In addition to the book Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate, some of the units of the manual "Writing strategies for business communication" will be studied, providing a complete knowledge on how to write business letters and other documents. This manual could also be used for other subjects in Business English at this university, as well as in the students´professional careers in the future.

Professorat (2014-15)
Grup Professor
TEORIA DE 72531Pacheco Baldo, Rosa Maria
Enllaços relacionats
Sense Dades


Business vocabulary in use. Intermediate
Autors:MASCULL, Bill
Edició:Cambridge : Cambridge Univ., 2010.
Recomanat per: PACHECO BALDO, ROSA MARIA (*1)
[ Accés al catàleg de la biblioteca universitària ]

New English file [Multimedia] : intermediate
Autors:Oxenden, Clive; Latham-Koening, Christina
Edició:Oxford : Oxford University, 2006.
Recomanat per: PACHECO BALDO, ROSA MARIA (*1)
[ Accés al catàleg de la biblioteca universitària ]

Writing strategies for business communication
Autors:GUILLEN NIETO, Vicitoria; WILLIAMS, Judith
Edició:Alicante : Agua Clara, 2004.
Recomanat per: PACHECO BALDO, ROSA MARIA (*1)
[ Accés al catàleg de la biblioteca universitària ]
(*1) Aquest professor ha recomanat el recurs bibliogràfic a tot l'alumnat de l'assignatura.
Dates d'exàmens oficials (2014-15)
ConvocatòriaGrup (*)DataHora d’iniciHora d’fiAules assignadesObservacions:
Proves extraordinarias de finalització d'estudis -1 18/11/2014 Hora y aula: contactar con el profesor
Període ordinari per a assignatures de primer semestrre -1 23/01/2015 12:00 15:00 A1/1-47S -
Proves extraordinàries de assignatures de grau i màster -1 13/07/2015 17:30 20:30 A1/1-47S -
(*) 1: 1 - ANG

Instruments i criteris d'avaluació (2014-15)
Avaluació contínua, examen final

The final exam will have the following parts:
a) A vocabulary test (35%)
b) Grammar exercises (20%)
c) Writing a document (15%)
d) English-Spanish translation (10%)
e) Spanish-English translation (10%)
f) Listening comprehension (10%)