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Crdts. Pract.2,5
A efectes d'intercanvis en programes de mobilitat, la càrrega d'aquesta assignatura equival a 7,5 ECTS.

Departamentos y Áreas
DepartamentsÀreaCrdts. Teor.Crdts. Pract.Dpto. Respon.Respon. Acta

Estudis en què s'imparteix
Llicenciatura en Economia - pla 2001

Sense incompatibles

Incompatibilitats de matricula per continguts equivalents
Sense Dades

Matriculats (2013-14)
Grup (*)Nombre
1 7
(*) 1: 1 - CAS

Oferida com a lliure elecció (2013-14)
Sense departament
Consulta Gràfica d'Horari
A efectes d'intercanvis en programes de mobilitat, la càrrega d'aquesta assignatura equival aFeu clic ací

Horari (2013-14)
Sense horari

Grups de matricula (2013-14)
Grup (*)QuadrimestreTornIdiomaDistribució (lletra nif)
1 2do. M CAS des de - fins a -
(*) 1: 1 - CAS

Objectius de l'assignatura / competències (2013-14)
a) To acquire business English vocabulary.
b) To refresh and improve English grammar to an intermediate level.
c) To develop reading comprehension in general business English.
d) To be able to understand and translate business English texts.
e) To be able to write business English documents.
f) To develop listening skills as listening for information and note taking.

Continguts teòrics i pràctics (2013-14)
BUSINESS BENCHMARK PRE-INTERMEDIATE TO INTERMEDIATE: The working day; Corporate culture; Company history; The Internet; Describing equipment; Processes and procedures; Distribution and delivery; Advertising and marketing; Making arrangements; Transport; Business accommodation; Out of the office; Developing contacts; Cultural issues; Teamwork; Entertaining clients; Describing statistics; Company finances; Investments; Starting up; Job applications; Recruitment; Staff development; Staff facts and figures;
COMPANY TO COMPANY: Making enquiries; Business prospects; Contacting customers; When things go wrong.

Enllaç al programa
Professor/a responsable
Pacheco Baldo , Rosa Maria

Metodologia docent (2013-14)
Classes teòriques i pràctiques
The book "BUSINESS BENCHMARK PRE-INTERMEDIATE TO INTERMEDIATE" provides the students with 24 topics where you are offered a variety of interesting activities in which you can discuss the topic and exchange ideas about it. You can learn new words and phrases which you can use when carrying out the tasks of the unit. You are provided with a good selection of authentic English business texts with listening interviews to business people. You also have presentations, negotiations, telephoning, English in social meetings... to develop essential business communication. The manual integrates the four skills, so practice in understanding, listening, reading, and writing are well balanced in the twenty-four topics of the book.

Tipus d'activitats: teòriques i pràctiques
No especificat
In addition to the book Business Benchmark Pre- intermediate to Intermediate, some of the units of the manual COMPANY TO COMPANY will be studied, providing a complete knowledge on how to write business letters and other documents. This manual could also be used for other subjects in Business English at this university, as well as in the students´professional careers in the future.

Professorat (2013-14)
Grup Professor
TEORIA COMPARTIDA DE 9055 y 91531Pacheco Baldo, Rosa Maria
Enllaços relacionats
Sense Dades


Business benchmark: pre-intermediate to intermediate. Student`s book
Autors:WHITBY, Norman
Edició:Cambridge : Cambridge University, 2008.
Recomanat per: PACHECO BALDO, ROSA MARIA (*1)
[ Accés al catàleg de la biblioteca universitària ]

Company to company : a task-based approach to business emails, letters and faxes : student`s book
Autors:LITTLEJOHN, Andrew
Edició:Cambridge : Cambridge Univ., 2009.
Recomanat per: PACHECO BALDO, ROSA MARIA (*1)
[ Accés al catàleg de la biblioteca universitària ]

Writing strategies for business communication
Autors:GUILLEN NIETO, Vicitoria; WILLIAMS, Judith
Edició:Alicante : Agua Clara, 2004.
Recomanat per: PACHECO BALDO, ROSA MARIA (*1)
[ Accés al catàleg de la biblioteca universitària ]
(*1) Aquest professor ha recomanat el recurs bibliogràfic a tot l'alumnat de l'assignatura.
Dates d'exàmens oficials (2013-14)
ConvocatòriaGrup (*)DataHora d’iniciHora d’fiAules assignadesObservacions:
Proves extraordinarias de finalització d'estudis -1 25/11/2013 Hora y Aula: contactar con el profesor
Període ordinari per a assignatures de segon semestre i anuals -1 09/06/2014 09:00 12:00 A1/1-41P -
Proves extraordinàries de assignatures de grau i màster -1 11/07/2014 11:30 14:30 A1/1-43S -
(*) 1: 1 - CAS

Instruments i criteris d'avaluació (2013-14)
Avaluació contínua, examen final
There will be a final exam in June.

The final exam will have the following parts:
a) A vocabulary test (35%)
b) Grammar exercises (20%)
c) Writing a document (15%)
d) English-Spanish translation (10%)
e) Spanish-English translation (10%)
f) Listening comprehension (10%)