LENGUAJE Y GÉNERO    Año académico       Versión PDF.  Versión PDF para convalidación.
Crdts. Pract.5
A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale a 7,5 ECTS.

Departamentos y Áreas
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Estudios en los que se imparte
Licenciatura en Filología Francesa - plan 2000
Licenciatura en Filología Inglesa - plan 2000
Licenciatura en Filología Árabe - plan 2000
Licenciatura en Filología Hispánica - plan 2000
Licenciatura en Filología Catalana - plan 2000

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Matriculados (2013-14)
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Ofertada como libre elección (2013-14)
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A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale aPincha aquí

Horario (2013-14)
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Grupos de matricula (2013-14)
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Objetivos de las asignatura / competencias (2013-14)
The course "Discourse and gender" is designed to introduce students to one topic in sociolinguistics, the interrelationship between the use of language in communication is various social situations -discourse- and gender.

A recurrent finding in studies in this field is that discourse reflects, records and transmits social differences and/or inequalities. Therefore, it is not surprising that, as most societies -including Western industrialized societies- differentiate between men and women in various marked ways, we will also find reflexes of gender differences both in features of language as a code and in the way it is used in communication by women and men in a variety of social contexts.

A general aim of the course is to guide students through selected readings on the subject of discourse and gender, which will provide an insight into the way the field has developed since the mid-1970s, and give a sense of the breadth of research going on as well as the variety of theoretical and methodological approaches found. Further, the course is designed to awaken students¿ awareness of the social background, causes and consequences of much of gender-differentiated language structure and language use. A third aim is to prepare students to undertake small investigations of phenomena related to language, communication and gender.

Contenidos teóricos y prácticos (2013-14)
1. The field of discourse and gender
2. Variationist studies: The sociolinguistic gender pattern
3. Interactional sociolinguistics (1): Women¿s and men¿s participation in conversation
4. Interactional sociolinguistics (2): Women¿s and men¿s participation in institutional talk
5. The representation of men and women in lexicon and grammar
6. The representation of men and women in public discourse


Bodine, A., 1975. Androcentrism in prescriptive grammar: singular `they¿, sex-indefinite `he¿ and
`he or she¿. Language and Society, 4: 129-146.

Coates, ed., 1998, Language and gender: A reader. Oxford: Blackwell.

Goodwin, M. Harness, 1998. Cooperation and competition across girls¿ play activities. In: J.
Coates, ed., 1998, Language and gender: A reader. Oxford: Blackwell. 121-46.

Hoey, Michael, 199. A clause-relational analysis of selected dictionary entries: Contrast and
compatibility in the definitions of `man¿ and `woman¿. In: Texts and Practices, 150-65.

Holmes, Janet, 1988. Complimenting - a positive politeness strategy. In: J. Coates, ed., 1998,
Language and gender: A reader. Oxford: Blackwell. 100-20.

__________, 1988. Sex differences in seminar contributions. BAAL Newsletter 31: 33-41.

Lakoff, Robin, 1973. Language and Women¿s Place. Language and Society 2: 45-79.

Maltz, Daniel & Ruth A. Borker 1982. A Cultural Approach to Male-Female Miscommunication.
In: J. Coates, ed., 1998, Language and gender: A reader. Oxford: Blackwell. 417-34.

Romaine, S., 1999. Communicating Gender. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Schultz, M., 1975. The semantic derogation of woman. In: B. Thorne and N. Henley, eds.,
Language and Sex; Difference and Dominance. Rowley, MA: Newbury House. 64-75.

Stoll, P., 1992. Entre espejos cóncavos, reflejos convexos: las mujeres en la prensa alicantina. Canelobre 23/24. Alicante: Instituto de Cutura Juan Gil-Albert. 139-146.

Swann, J., 1998. Talk control: An illustration from the classroom of problems in analysing male
dominance of conversation. In: J. Coates, ed., 1998, Language and gender: A reader. Oxford:
Blackwell. 185-96.

Talbot, Mary M., 1992. The construction of gender in a teenage magazine. In: Norman
Fairclough, ed., Critical Language Awareness. Longman. 174-97.

Trudgill, P., 1972. Sex, covert prestige and linguistic change in the urban British English of Norwich. Language in Society, 1: 179-95.

West, Candace. When the Doctor is a "Lady": Power, Status and Gender in Physician-Patient
Encounters. In: J. Coates, ed., 1998, Language and gender: A reader. Oxford: Blackwell. 396-

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Profesor/a responsable
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Metodología docente (2013-14)
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Tipo de actividades: teóricas y prácticas
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Fechas de exámenes oficiales (2013-14)
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(*) 1: 1 - CAS

Instrumentos y criterios de evaluación (2013-14)
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