LA LITERATURA EN LENGUA INGLESA Y LAS BELLAS ARTES    Año académico       Versión PDF.  Versión PDF para convalidación.
Crdts. Teor.3Análisis estilístico de textos literarios en lengua inglesa desde el siglo XVIII, prestando atención a su contenido artístico.
Crdts. Pract.3
A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale a 7,5 ECTS.

Departamentos y Áreas
DepartamentosÁreaCrdts. Teor.Crdts. Pract.Dpto. Respon.Respon. Acta

Estudios en los que se imparte
Licenciatura en Filología Francesa - plan 2000
Licenciatura en Filología Inglesa - plan 2000
Licenciatura en Filología Árabe - plan 2000
Licenciatura en Filología Hispánica - plan 2000
Licenciatura en Filología Catalana - plan 2000

Sin incompatibles

Incompatibilidades de matrícula por contenidos equivalentes
Sin Datos

Matriculados (2013-14)
Grupo (*)Número
1 2
(*) 1: 1 - ANG

Ofertada como libre elección (2013-14)
Sin departamento
Consulta Gráfica de Horario
A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale aPincha aquí

Horario (2013-14)
Sin horario

Grupos de matricula (2013-14)
Grupo (*)CuatrimestreTurnoIdiomaDistribución (letra nif)
1 2do. M ANG desde - hasta -
(*) 1: 1 - ANG

Objetivos de las asignatura / competencias (2013-14)
The general aims of this subject are:
-To enlarge the students` view of the limits of literature.
-To encourage students to explore job possibilities in areas not usually considered (such as museums, art galleries, publishing houses specialized in visual arts, art criticism, etc.)

More specific aims are:
1.1 To define the main relationships between literature and other artistic spheres such as the visual, musical or decorative arts, as well as the cinema, theatrical arts, design, etc.
1.2 To provide students with specific information concerning the existing relationship between literature in English and artistic production in other fields.
1.3 To introduce students to the main characteristics of specific cases in which the relationship between literary texts and other forms of artistic production is specially relevant.
1.4. To sharpen students` critical awareness and increase the sophistication of their approach to literature by encouraging the exploration of the relationship between literary texts and other types of artistic discourse.
1.5. To promote oral and written discussion of the possible links between the literary text and other works of art.

Contenidos teóricos y prácticos (2013-14)
1. The limits of the literary text and its integration in other artistic spheres.
2. Augustan literature and painting.
3. Poetry as visual art in the Romantic Period.
4. Book illustration before the 19th century.
5. The Pre-Raphaelite ideal.
6. The illustrated novel in the 19th century.
7. Art and everyday life in the Industrial Revolution.
8. Fin de siècle literature and art.
9. Literary discourse and art in the Age of Modernism.
10. The visual arts and literature after the Second World War.
11. Contemporary trends in the relationship between the literary text and the visual arts.

Practical part
Individual study of a specific point of the relationship of specific literary texts and works belonging to other artistic spheres.

Más información
Profesor/a responsable

Metodología docente (2013-14)
No especificado
La asignatura "La literatura en lengua inglesa y las Bellas Artes" es a extinguir y no tiene docencia.

Debido a las características especiales de la misma, se advirtió repetidamente en la Guía Docente correspondiente, antes de empezar el último curso en que se impartió docencia 2012-13, que la ASISTENCIA ERA ESENCIAL.

Para salvar el problema que supone el hecho de que en 2013-14 la asignatura sea a extinguir y sin docencia reglada, se recomienda que se matriculen en ella alumnas y alumnos que la tengan pendiente PERO QUE HAYAN ASISTIDO DE MANERA REGULAR A LAS CLASES EN 2012-13 O QUE, NO HABIENDO ASISTIDO A ESAS CLASES, SÍ QUE ASISTIRÁN EN EL CURSO 2013-14 COMO OYENTES NO OFICIALES A TODAS LAS DE "LA LITERATURA Y LA CULTURA VISUAL Y ARTÍSTICA EN EL AULA DE INGLÉS", asignatura del primer cuatrimestre del Grado en Estudios Ingleses, con contenidos muy cercanos a los de la asignatura a extinguir.

Para cualquier duda al respecto, se insta a alumnas y alumnos que se dirijan al profesor.

Practical part
Preparation of the talk will include three stages, corresponding with at least three compulsory tutorials in the lecturer`s office::
i) Selection of both literary text or texts and related works belonging to other artistic realms.
ii) Definition of specific topic to be studied.
iii) Submission of both diagram of talk and copies of non-literary works to lecturer for approval.

The items included under the heading "Bibliografia" for this subject in Campus Virtual are just a preliminary list of material that can be useful in a general approach.

Tipo de actividades: teóricas y prácticas
No especificado
Preparation of oral exam through tutorials.
The preparation of the talk on an issue relating a specific literary work and work or works belonging to other artistic spheres will be monitorized by the teacher.
Students should get in contact with the teacher in order to organize the preparation of the oral presentation in at least three tutorials.

Profesores (2013-14)
Grupo Profesor/a
Enlaces relacionados


A History of Book Illustration: 29 Points of View
Autor(es):Katz, Bill
Edición:Metuchen : Scarecrow, 1994.
ISBN:No disponible
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

British Art 1740-1820: essays in Honor of Robert R.Wark
Autor(es):Sutherland, Guilland (ed.)
Edición:San Marino (California) : Huntingon Library , 1992.
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

Idols of Perversity: fantasies of feminine evil in fin-de-siecle culture
Autor(es):Dikjstra, Bram
Edición:New York [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 1986.
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Learning to look at paintings
Autor(es):Acton, Mary
Edición:London : Routledge, 1997.
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

Victorian novelists and their illustrators
Autor(es):Harvey, J.R.
Edición:New York : New York University Press, 1971.
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

Vision: 50 years of British creativity with 270 illustrations
Edición:London : Thames and Hudson, 1999.
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]
(*1) Este profesor ha recomendado el recurso bibliográfico a todos los alumnos de la asignatura.
Fechas de exámenes oficiales (2013-14)
ConvocatoriaGrupo (*)fechaHora inicioHora finAula(s) asignada(s)Observ:
Pruebas extraordinarias de finalización de estudios -1 07/10/2013 -
Periodo ordinario para asignaturas de segundo semestre y anuales -1 12/06/2014 09:00 12:00 CS/S003 -
Periodo extraordinario de septiembre -1 01/09/2014 09:00 12:00 FI/1-03S -
(*) 1: 1 - ANG

Instrumentos y criterios de evaluación (2013-14)
No especificado

Theoretical part
There will be one written examination.
The exam will be written in English, and linguistic mistakes will bring the mark down.
The exam will consist of four sections:

a) A multiple-choice test on the issues studied (20% of final mark)
b) Identification and contextualization of fragments (5% of final mark)
c) One question on issues studied (20% of final mark)
d) An extended commentary on the relationship of a given literary text and a work belonging to a different artistic sphere (30% of final mark)

In part d) i.e., the extended commentary, the following parameters will be taken into account:
a) organization of ideas; b) clarity of exposition; c) insight of analysis; d) originality of ideas; e) illustration and comparison with other relevant cases; f) relevance of information; and g) stylistical quality.

Practical part
The oral exams will take place between 10th and 25th May.
Before beginning the exam, the student will give a copy of the abstract to the lecturer and will then deliver the talk in English for about fifteen minutes. The student will be able to consult notes, but no texts can be read in the exam.
In the assessment the following factors will be taken into account: a) oral expression; b) clarity of exposition; c) organization of ideas; d) originality of ideas; e) insight of analysis; f) relevance of information; and g) relevant illustration and comparison.
Plagiarism in this exam, no matter to what extent, will be a cause for the student to fail the subject.
Three tutorials in the lecturer`s office previous to the oral exam are obligatory for all students and A NECESSARY CONDITION FOR TAKING THE ORAL EXAM.

Pass standard and final mark
The pass mark is 5`0

Written exam: 75% of final mark
Oral exam: 25% of final mark