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Crdts. Teor.6No se dispone de descripción
Crdts. Pract.0
A efectes d'intercanvis en programes de mobilitat, la càrrega d'aquesta assignatura equival a 7,5 ECTS.

Departamentos y Áreas
DepartamentsÀreaCrdts. Teor.Crdts. Pract.Dpto. Respon.Respon. Acta

Estudis en què s'imparteix
Enginyeria Tècnica en Obres Públiques - pla 1991

Sense incompatibles

Incompatibilitats de matricula per continguts equivalents
Sense Dades

Matriculats (2013-14)
Grup (*)Nombre
1 19
(*) 1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Oferida com a lliure elecció (2013-14)
Sense departament
Consulta Gràfica d'Horari
A efectes d'intercanvis en programes de mobilitat, la càrrega d'aquesta assignatura equival aFeu clic ací

Horari (2013-14)
Sense horari

Grups de matricula (2013-14)
Grup (*)QuadrimestreTornIdiomaDistribució (lletra nif)
1 Anual M ANG des de - fins a -
(*) 1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Objectius de l'assignatura / competències (2013-14)
To promote active use of the English language in engineering situations through a variety of written and oral tasks designed to enhance students` ability to communicate effectively. To develop theoretical and practical knowledge of linguistic issues(Grammar and Vocabulary) common in technical English
To develop the skill of reading for information in English to be able to apply in extensive reading on Civil Engineering issues
To develop the skill of listening to information in English on technical aspects
To develop the skill of translating into Spanish texts of technical content
To learn how to write sentences effectively.

Continguts teòrics i pràctics (2013-14)
The course is divided into three main parts. They are identified as Section 1: Hints on Oral Presentations, section 2: Core, and section 3: Critical thinking. Every two units a longer reading will be provided to perform diverse activities to enhance reading abilities.
We will analise issues related to oral presentations in the first semester and tackle critical thinking in the second semester along with the core section.

Section 1: Hints on Oral Presentations
Section 1.1 Getting Started;
Section1.2 Organizing your material;
Reading Assignment
Section 1.3 Dealing With Q & A;
Section 1.4 Creating more impact;
Reading Assignment
Section 1.5 Using visual aids
Section 6: Giving persuasive presentations.

Section 2: the Core
Section 2.1 Engineering design;
Reading Assignment
Section 2.2 Breaking point
Section 2.3 Tecnical development;
Reading Assignment
Section 2.4 Procedures and precautions .
Section 2.5 Monitoring and control.
Reading Assignment.

Section 3
Section 3.1 What is critical thinking;
Section 3.2 Recognising strong or sound arguments;
Section 3.3 Recognising poor arguments
Section 3.4 Persuasion through language or pressure
Section 3.5 Detecting bias.

Enllaç al programa
Professor/a responsable
Amilburu Osinaga , Ana María

Metodologia docent (2013-14)
No especificat

There are no face-to-face sessions.

Tipus d'activitats: teòriques i pràctiques
Internet using the LMS (Learning Management System).
METHODOLOGY Students are expected to do a reasonable amount of preparation (including the writing assignments). As part of the course work and in order to develop listening comprehension skills, students will be required to spend time working with listening texts, videos and interactive lexical and grammatical exercises in the LMS. They will do follow-up activities (comprehension and summing-up exercises, essays, etc.) and the completed activities will be handed in, or sent using a learning management system (LMS) called Moodle. All the assignments, exercises, etc., will have to be completed before the exam.

Professorat (2013-14)
Grup Professor
TEORIA DE 63051Amilburu Osinaga, Ana María
Enllaços relacionats
Sense Dades


Cambridge English for Engineering: student`s book with audio CDs (2)
Autors:Mark Ibbotson
Edició:Dades no disponibles.
Recomanat per: AMILBURU OSINAGA, ANA (*1)
[ Accés al catàleg de la biblioteca universitària ]

Critical thinking : course book
Autors:Nukui, Clare ; Brooks, Jane
Edició:Reading : Garnet Education, 2007.
Recomanat per: AMILBURU OSINAGA, ANA (*1)
[ Accés al catàleg de la biblioteca universitària ]

Passport to academic presentations : student`s book
Autors:Bell, Douglas
Edició:Reading : Garnet Publishing, 2008.
Recomanat per: AMILBURU OSINAGA, ANA (*1)
[ Accés al catàleg de la biblioteca universitària ]
(*1) Aquest professor ha recomanat el recurs bibliogràfic a tot l'alumnat de l'assignatura.
Dates d'exàmens oficials (2013-14)
ConvocatòriaGrup (*)DataHora d’iniciHora d’fiAules assignadesObservacions:
Proves extraordinarias de finalització d'estudis -1 19/11/2013 -
Període ordinari per a assignatures de segon semestre i anuals -1 11/06/2014 16:00 20:00 0039PB010 -
Proves extraordinàries de assignatures de grau i màster -1 02/07/2014 08:30 12:30 0039PB011 -
(*) 1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Instruments i criteris d'avaluació (2013-14)
Avaluació contínua, examen final
Assessment will be an ongoing process taking into account tests and grades obtained in the LMS. There will be only one final exam at the end of the course, covering all four language skills.
Marks will be worked out in the following way: Project, 15% (presented in public one week before the exam in a room assigned for the activity); Assignments and exercises in the LMS, 20%; Written test, 65% (Reading Comprehension, 20%; grammar and vocabulary -use of English- 15%; Listening Comprehension Test, 15%). Students must pass the Written test in order to be assessed.
NOTE that the project proposals should be handed in by October 1st to be assigned the date of public presentation, which will be staged and evaluated one week before the exams take place.