LENGUA Y LITERATURA INGLESA II    Año académico       Versión PDF.  Versión PDF para convalidación.
Crdts. Teor.5Ampliación de los objetivos y contenidos del curso anterior.
Crdts. Pract.4
A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale a 11,25 ECTS.

Departamentos y Áreas
DepartamentosÁreaCrdts. Teor.Crdts. Pract.Dpto. Respon.Respon. Acta

Estudios en los que se imparte
Licenciatura en Humanidades - plan 1996
(comple. formac.)Licenciatura en Humanidades - plan 1996

Sin incompatibles

Incompatibilidades de matrícula por contenidos equivalentes
Sin Datos

Matriculados (2010-11)
Grupo (*)Número
1 33
(*) 1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Ofertada como libre elección (2010-11)
Número máximo de alumnos: Sin límite
Pincha aquí para ver a qué estudios se oferta
Consulta Gráfica de Horario
A efectos de intercambios en programas de movilidad, la carga de esta asignatura equivale aPincha aquí

Horario (2010-11)
ModoGrupo (*)Día inicioDía finDíaHora inicioHora finAula
CLASE TEÓRICA 1 13/09/2010 23/12/2010 L 20:00 21:00 GE/1-07S
  1 13/09/2010 23/12/2010 M 19:00 21:00 GE/1-07S
  1 03/02/2011 27/05/2011 L 18:00 20:00 GE/1-07S
  1 03/02/2011 27/05/2011 X 18:00 19:00 GE/1-07S
1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Grupos de matricula (2010-11)
Grupo (*)CuatrimestreTurnoIdiomaDistribución (letra nif)
1 Anual T ANG desde - hasta -
(*) 1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Objetivos de las asignatura / competencias (2010-11)
The aims of this course are:
a) to revise and consolidate the cultural contents and linguistic structures (morphosyntactical, lexical and phonological) acquired in "Lengua y Literarura Inglesa I";
b) to reinforce and expand the students´ knowledge of grammar and vocabulary of English, as well as the culture, civilisation and literature of the English-speaking countries;
c) to enhance the four language skills: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking and writing.

Contenidos teóricos y prácticos (2010-11)
The subject includes a thorough review of the following aspects:
(1) Extensive grammar review.
(2) Written compositions.
(3) Vocabulary.
(4) Cultural aspects of England and USA versus the cultural aspects of Spain.
(5) Reading comprehension.
(6) English literature.
(7) Translation.

Más información
Profesor/a responsable

Metodología docente (2010-11)
Clases teóricas y prácticas
This course will focus on expanding the students´ knowledge of grammar, language in use and vocabulary through texts. These texts will be related to the culture and civilisation of English-speaking countries and, also, through excerpts from classic English literary texts.
The sessions will include theory and, above all, practice on the linguistic components and the language skills: Every literary text will have an introduction with some notes about the author, the book the excerpt belongs to and the passage itself. There will also be exercises to reinforce reading strategies such as skimming and scanning, as well as reading the passage out to enhance the students´ pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. Texts on culture and civilisation of the English-speaking countries, together with comprehension exercises, will also be presented to the students. Grammar and language in use exercises will be introduced, done and corrected in class, taking a syntactic structure used in the passage as a starting point; as well as the vocabulary, which will be practised by using definitions, synonyms and antonyms, paying special attention to "false friends"; and also by trying to find semantic fields and word families. Translation from Spanish into English of sentences in order to practise the syntactic structures and vocabulary dealt with in the literary passage or the text on a cultural topic.
Students will be encouraged to speak English in the classroom, as well as they will have to prepare presentations on topics related to the culture and civilisation of the English-speaking world. Essays and compositions will be set as homework along the year, on either literary and cultural topics or current issues.

Tipo de actividades: teóricas y prácticas
No especificado

Profesores (2010-11)
Grupo Profesor/a
Rodríguez Álvarez, Maria Francisca
Enlaces relacionados
Sin Datos


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[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ] [ Acceso a las ediciones anteriores ]

Longman Dictionary of Language and Culture
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[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ] [ Acceso a las ediciones anteriores ]

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[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

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[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

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Recomendado por:PASTOR PINA, JOAQUIN (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

Oxford learner`s grammar : grammar finder reference
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Edición:Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005.
Recomendado por:PASTOR PINA, JOAQUIN (*1)
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]

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Edición:Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008.
Recomendado por:PASTOR PINA, JOAQUIN
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ] [ Acceso a las ediciones anteriores ]

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[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ] [ Acceso a las ediciones anteriores ]

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Edición:Alicante : Aguaclara, 1999.
Recomendado por:PASTOR PINA, JOAQUIN
[ Acceso al catálogo de la biblioteca universitaria ]
(*1) Este profesor ha recomendado el recurso bibliográfico a todos los alumnos de la asignatura.
Fechas de exámenes oficiales (2010-11)
ConvocatoriaGrupo (*)fechaHora inicioHora finAula(s) asignada(s)Observ:
Estudio: 28
Exámenes extraordinarios de finalización de estudios (diciembre) -1 11/11/2010 -
Periodo ordinario para asignaturas de segundo semestre y anuales -1 14/06/2011 15:00 18:00 FI/2-10M -
Periodo extraordinario de julio -1 08/09/2011 15:00 18:00 FI/1-02M -
Parciales -1 24/01/2011 18:00 21:00 GE/2-08M -
(*) 1: GRUPO 1 - ANG

Instrumentos y criterios de evaluación (2010-11)
Evaluación continua, examen final

Students shall be assessed in an exam which, though largely based on the contents of the textbook and the further material provided, may also include any other aspect of grammar and vocabulary which is supposed to be known to a student of English at this level.
There will be written tests along the year. These tests will largely include the contents studied in the Units seen in class. They will consist of the following parts:
1) grammar and vocabulary in use; 40 % of the mark; 2) reading comprehension; 20 % of the mark
3) listening comprehension; and 20 % of the mark; 4) writing a composition of about 150 words on one of two given topics. 20 % of the mark
For those passing these tests, the average of all of them will amount up to 50% of the final mark for each section, in case the student gets a poorer mark in the June exam; for those failing or not taking them, the only mark will be that of the June exam.
The June test will include the whole of the subject, that is, the same four sections stated above, a test on literature in English based on the topics seen in class and two translations from English into Spanish according to the following pattern:
1) grammar and vocabulary in use; 30 % of the mark; 2) reading comprehension; 10 % of the mark
3) listening comprehension; and 10 % of the mark; 4) writing a composition of about 150 words on one of two given topics. 10 % of the mark; 5) a test on literature in English 10 % of the mark; 6) translation of a text including vocabulary seen in class; 10 % of the mark; 7) translation of an unknown text (with the help of a dictionary). 10 % of the mark
Apart from this, students will have to make an oral presentation of a topic related to literature in English or an aspect of life in the English-speaking world, which will amount up to a 10 % of the final mark.
In the assessment of translation, the following criteria will be applied: Spelling mistakes, especially in Spanish (and including misuse of accents), will be regarded as serious and heavily penalised.
With respect to the final mark, the following criteria will be applied: + When the mark obtained in one or more parts of the exam is less than 50% of the total mark for that part and the Final Mark is: - higher than or equal to 6, the June mark will be "APROBADO";
- lower than 6 and higher than or equal to 5, the June mark will be "SUSPENSO", and, therefore, the students will have to resit all the parts where his mark is lower than or equal to 4;
- lower than 5, the June mark will be "SUSPENSO" and, therefore, the students will have to resit the WHOLE exam again in September.
As the lessons will be mostly practical, attendance, co-operation in the classroom, performance, pronunciation and oral presentations, as well as homework, will be taken into account, which may result in subsequent changes in the final mark.